Meaztegi Golf

Meaztegi Golf is the first publicly owned golf course in Bizkaia.Designed by Severiano Ballesteros and supervised by Trajectory, S.L. the future golf course will be the first publicly owned golf course in Bizkaia. Its most outstanding characteristics are: a surface area of 104 hectares, of which 65 correspond to play areas. It has a 18 – hole course – Par 72 – with a length of more than 6 kilometresand a 9 – hole course – all Par 3 – rather more than a kilometre in length

  • Ctra Triano - La Arboleda s/n
  • 48530 Ortuella (Bilbao)
  • 1580
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 18
  • ja
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
Wohnmobil erlaubt:
  • Nein
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  • Nein
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