Las Ramblas

Las Ramblas golf course opened in 1991. Its design is also the work of Pepe Gancedo who knew masterfully fit a golf course where few would have known it. The golf course is built into a beautiful landscape of Mediterranean pines and natural rabines. It’s holes and environment fascinates many players who see in this golf course a challenge for their game. Although not very long, its rugged landscape and beautiful trees gives much to this golf course.

  • Ctra. Alicante-Cartagena km 48
  • 03169 Alicante
  • 4799
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 18
  • nein
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
Wohnmobil erlaubt:
  • Nein
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  • Nein
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