IRM Golf Exp. – El Valle

El Valle Golf, a medium-length, par-71 golf course, is situated in a beautiful natural desert valley. The golf course is routed in a ‚core“ format that groups several holes together while keeping the surrounding development on the perimeter. This means many holes border other golf holes and not houses, creating a more open and natural golf experience. Rather than length, the course relies on numerous subtle strategic elements to challenge golfers. This course puts a premium on accuracy, not power, and favors the intelligent player who can manage his or her game.The course features numerous „crowned“ greens surrounded by large mown chipping areas. This design feature presents players with numerous interesting short-game options around the greens and imaginative shot-making will be rewarded. El Valle Golf features clusters of smaller, more subtly shaped bunkers. Moreover, El Valle Golf takes full advantage of its desert setting with numerous holes playing adjacent to naturally existing rock-outcroppings and ridges. To further enhance the desert theme, the golf course is landscaped with many species of native shrubs, grasses and other desert plants. Complemented with a number of water features, including two lakes and two elaborate stream and waterfall systems. El Valle is sure to be a beautiful, yet unique stop along the Murcia Golf Experience.

  • Autovía Murcia-San Javier, Km 4
  • 30155 Baños y Mendigos, Murcia, Spain
  • 1722
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 18
  • nein
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
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  • Nein
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