Club Zaudín Golf

Club Zaudin Golf is located at just 10 minutes drive from the center of Seville. It is an 18 holes course, par 71 and federated AM95. It is the last Spanish course designed by Gary Player.The Club lies in the incredible surroundings of an Andalusian Hacienda which cultivates oranges and olives. As the player advance along the course can see a wonderful view of Seville in the background.

  • Ctra. Mairena - Tomares Km 1,5
  • 41940 Tomares - Sevilla
  • 1396
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 18
  • ja
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
Wohnmobil erlaubt:
  • Nein
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  • Nein
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