Club de Golf Las Pinaillas

Las Pinaillas is a 18 holes golf course, par 72, designed by Severiano Ballesteros and founded in 2002. Located in a natural landmark and just 18 kms away from the city center of Albacete, it is the first natural grass 18 holes builded in Castilla la Mancha.The main features are; wide fairways, thick rough and the greens which are fast and with undulations.Las Pinaillas is a very attractive golf course for all players regardless the handicap.The normal price is 70€ but we offer a great discount for all Golfhäftet card members: 25€ (64% discount, monday to friday) and 30€ (weekends and holidays).

  • Ctra. Requena a Motilleja, km 12
  • 02006 Albacete-Castilla La Mancha
  • 1925
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 18
  • ja
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
Wohnmobil erlaubt:
  • Nein
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  • Nein
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