Almerimar Golf Course

The Golf Course Almerimar was designed in 1976 by Gary Player. The course has 27-holes and offers enormous play possibilities and challenges.The wide fairways are bordered by amazing palm trees, and the layout is punctuated by a number of dangerous but beautiful water hazards. Almerimar has a good variety of tees, to ensure that there is a suitable challenge for every visitor. The natural beauty that surrounds the course makes it really special, while the golf course is sure to leave a lasting impression on every visitor during their golfing holiday

  • Plaza de la Piramide 4, Urb Almerimar
  • 04711 El Ejido, Almería
  • 1779
Anzahl Spielbahnen:
  • 27
  • ja
Hunde erlaubt:
  • Nein
Wohnmobil erlaubt:
  • Nein
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